Pain usually occurs after the surgery and for this reason, painkillers are applied to the patient without waiting for the effect of anesthesia to wear off. After the rhinoplasty operation, the medications recommended by your doctor should be used without interruption. It is generally not recommended to stand up for a period of 4-6 hours after the operation. It is normal to observe problems such as dizziness and darkening of the eyes when you first stand up. For this reason, it is recommended to get help from a relative.

It is normal for blood to leak from the nasal passages both during and after the nose surgery. This bleeding may be swallowed unknowingly and cause nausea and vomiting. For this reason, bloody vomiting or black colored stools may be observed the next day due to blood. If there is no nausea 6 hours after the operation, you can drink water. Watery foods such as soup and buttermilk can be consumed little by little. Dental treatment in Turkey is at least as advanced as rhinoplasty. Many patients abroad want to get information about dental treatment in Turkey.

How Should I Eat After Nose Surgery?

There may be some changes in the diet after nose surgery, but this is not a permanent process. It is generally recommended to eat liquid foods for the first few days. Swelling and bruises under the eyes, around the nose and on certain parts of the face are normal and will disappear as the day goes by. In order to prevent bleeding, the pillow should be kept high and water should not be sniffed or blown into the nose for the first 15 days. It is normal for the nose to remain blocked during this process. It is not recommended to wear glasses for a few months (in some cases 6 months) in order to fully achieve the targeted shape. Physical activities that require high effort such as running, swimming, excessively vigorous chewing, laughter, smiling or other facial expressions with the participation of a large number of facial muscles, and vigorous tooth brushing are examples of other behaviors that patients should avoid after surgery and rhinoplasty in turkey.

Is Exposure to Sun Rays Dangerous After Nose Surgery?

Another important issue that people should pay attention to after the operation is exposure to sunlight. Care should be taken as permanent color changes may occur on and around the skin of the nose after excessive sunlight contact. Keeping the head elevated is an effective application for bleeding as well as edema. Depending on whether the suture material used during the operation is absorbable or non-absorbable, it may be necessary to reapply to your physician 1 week after the operation to remove the stitches.

How Many Days Does Nose Surgery Heal?

Although the recovery time varies according to the size of the operation, patients can usually stand up and walk around within 4-6 hours and start eating after 6 hours if there is no nausea and vomiting. How many days do many patients recover from nose surgery? Many patients wonder the answer to questions such as how many days you can return to normal life. In some cases, patients are discharged on the same day, sometimes they are kept under observation for 1 night and then discharged the next day. At the end of the surgery, tampons are usually placed in the nose. These tampons are removed after 1-2 days, and the mold placed on the back of the nose is removed approximately 1 week after surgery. After the operation, patients can usually return to their work life within 1 week to 10 days if no complications occur. Post-operative swelling and bruising is normal and will decrease over time to a level that can be covered with make-up within 1 week-10 days.