Living in a small apartment often means cooking in a small kitchen, but cooking in a mini-kitchen doesn’t have to be as complicated as it sounds. Even in such a small kitchen, preparing great dishes is possible, it just takes a little ingenuity. Next, we tell you some tips that will help you to cook normally in a small kitchen.

1.- Keep kitchen counters clean and tidy

To cook effectively in a small kitchen, you must set yourself up for success. This means that you should seriously consider how to organize your cookware in your cabinets for maximum efficiency, for more counter space, and for an easy kitchen upgrade.

Most small kitchens don’t have large counters. That’s why it’s best to get rid of as much clutter as possible. This means finding other places for smaller appliances and anything else you put there. Remember, the more counter space there is, the more room there is for cooking.

2.- Be minimalist

In general, small kitchens do not have a lot of storage space either. That’s why it’s a good idea to keep utensils and other kitchen supplies to a minimum. If you can, just use a few pots and pans of different sizes and a minimum of kitchen utensils. Read different setups of exotic kitchens.

3.- Clean everything on the spot

This is a tip from expert chefs: clean everything on the spot. Sure, cooking without worrying about the mess you make or the number of dishes you use is a fairly simple thing to do, but it’s not the best way to work in a small kitchen.

Try to use a few plates and utensils and simply wash them every time you finish using them. Use the same knife and board for all the vegetables, then rinse them and use the same tools to cut, for example, the chicken breast Livingwhite.

4.- Prepare things in advance

Another common habit of true restaurant chefs is to prep things before you start cooking, especially if you’re preparing large meals, perhaps for lunch with your roommates and other friends. Preparing what you will need in advance will help you make the most of limited kitchen space.

That way, when it’s time to prepare the meal, you just need to combine the ingredients and start cooking.

5.- Invest in extra counter space

If kitchen counter space is too limited to the point where opening the oven is tedious, find a way to add more space for you to work. What can be done? Use a cart. Although it is a bit of high investment, carts are the perfect solution for the limitations of a small kitchen. These items can be placed in a corner of the apartment when not needed and will also provide more storage space. Read Signs You Need a New Refrigerator.

6.- Use chopping boards intelligently

Another way to have more surface area is to buy a long cutting board, an element that every small kitchen must-have. All small kitchens need a board that’s big enough to span the sink or rest on the burners. A table will also give you more space to prepare things in advance. Plus, it’s easy to move when you need to put it somewhere else to start another activity.

7.- Think vertically

Hanging vertical storage tools like baskets can give you more space when preparing your meals in a very small space. Use them for everything you can, like removing ingredients until you need them again to keep the space as organized as possible.