My insurance company, Allstate, denied my roof claim after my house was damaged by storm damage. Now I’m fighting back with the help of an attorney and an adjuster who believes in me, and I’ve made some headway in getting what I need to get the repairs done! Here’s how it all happened.

To start, here’s what happened

I had a severe hail storm come through my neighborhood and damage my roof. I filed a claim with my insurance company, allstate denied my roof claim. They said that the damage wasn’t severe enough to warrant a new roof. I was upset and decided to file an appeal. The most important thing is that you have a chance to tell your side of the story. You don’t need any more damage done! The people at my Allstate office were very helpful in explaining how the process works, and now I know what’s going on in their decision-making process for claims like mine. The first step is filing an appeal letter online–it’s fast and easy! Just type out why you think you deserve a new roof, attach any pictures or documents if possible, and hit submit!

Here are some things you should know before calling your insurance company

Before you call your insurance company, it’s important to understand the basics of how roofing insurance claims work. Your roof is one of the most important parts of your home, and it’s important to keep it in good condition. However, accidents happen, and sometimes your roof will need to be repaired or replaced. That’s where roofing insurance comes in. If your roof sustains damage during a covered event, then you’ll likely want to file a claim with your insurance company. The process of filing a claim can seem complicated, but here are some basic guidelines that should help:

1 If possible, document any damages before calling an adjuster; this may speed up the process.

2 Always contact your agent first for guidance on what type of claim should be filed.

3 Make sure to have all pertinent information available when speaking with an adjuster; this includes property addresses and phone numbers for both homes involved in the claim as well as contact information for any contractors who worked on repairs made during the incident.

What did you do

I was very upset when allstate denied my roof claim. I had just put a new roof on my house and paid for it in full, so I thought my insurance would cover it. After doing some research, I found out that Allstate has a history of denying claims for roofs. They often use the excuse that the roof is pre-existing damage even if it’s brand new. So I did what any angry person would do and wrote an email to the company. When they responded, I explained how this could not be possible because it was a new roof installed by an authorized contractor. Allstate then agreed to take another look at my case but they ended up sticking with their original decision. So now I’m taking them to court!

What were my Options

I had a few options after Allstate denied my roof claim. I could have:

  1. Appealed the decision
  2. Hired a lawyer
  3. Filed a complaint with the state insurance commissioner
  4. Sued Allstate
  5. Gone through mediation
  6. Talked to the media
  7. Refused to pay my premium and let my policy lapse

Final Thoughts on Insurance Claims

Overall, the insurance claim process was a huge hassle and very time-consuming. I’m glad that it’s over, but I’m not happy with the outcome. allstate denied my roof claim, and I don’t think it was fair. I plan to appeal the decision and hopefully get a better result. In the meantime, I’ve started shopping around for a new homeowner’s insurance policy. The rates seem really high, so I’ll be saving up money in case the cost of coverage goes up too much. My current homeowner’s insurance doesn’t expire until July 31st, so I have some time before anything needs to happen. Hopefully all of this is just an unfortunate experience and will soon be behind me!

Insurance Claim Denial

Allstate denied my roof claim because they said the damage wasn’t severe enough to warrant a full replacement. But the thing is, my roof was only five years old and in perfect condition before the storm hit. I know for a fact that the damage was caused by the storm, and I’m not going to just take their word for it.

I’ve filed an appeal and am currently in the process of gathering evidence to support my case. In the meantime, I’ve also reached out to a local roofing company to get a quote for repairs. I’m not going to give up until I get the resolution I deserve. After all, this is my home we’re talking about.

Legal Consultant

After my roof was damaged in a severe storm, I filed a claim with my insurance company, Allstate. Unfortunately, allstate denied my roof claim. I was extremely disappointed and decided to consult with a legal expert to see if there was anything I could do. The lawyer advised me that he didn’t think there was any point in suing them because it would cost more than the money that I would be awarded from the suit. Instead, he recommended negotiating with them.