There are a lot of instances where giving a gift is appropriate beyond the big two of Christmas and birthdays. Your loved one could be celebrating something, feeling ill and needing cheering up, or simply a quick reminder of how much you appreciate them.

And photos are the perfect gift for these instances. Affordable, personal, and you can never get enough of them. Photos fill a space for the casual gift giver, who has to express themselves even when Santa isn’t due for months!

Not convinced? Take a look at our ideas of why physical photos make for a brilliant casual gift, and a great big gift, to be fair.

It’s a captured memory

A photo makes for a great reminder of the good times. Sometimes the best gift you can give is some of your memories in physical form. Imagine handing over a collection of photos from your past times with them and seeing their faces light up as they remember all the weird and wonderful memories you’ve made together.

Sure, you might have taken all these photos and posted them online, but they feel so temporary there, where you scroll past them and barely look at them again. Having a physical copy allows you to recapture the magic of the moment as you share the stories around it.

There’s something intimate about it

The brilliant thing about photos is that they are very personalized. This is no name emblazoned on a mug or chopping board, but a moment that is personal to you and your giftee. It’s like sharing a secret between the two of you to share a photo. People might ask what the story is, and you might share it, but only the two of you will know the finer details and the feelings behind the story.

You can even give photos as a means of evoking feelings. Be that the nostalgia of childhood, a romantic moment, or a fun moment that wasn’t even that long ago. Photos are often presented as evidence for a reason. You will be able to keep your photos as a secret that you can tap into at any point in the future, even if it’s just a good memory you’d like to revisit.

You can get creative with it

There are a lot of ways you can give photos as a gift. You can have a lot of them printed out and offer them one by one whenever you feel like sharing, or you can gather them together in a collection.

This is where you can get creative. Create a collage out of them, hang them together in a frame, make a wind chime out of them, and find hundreds of other ideas online.

You can even create photo album on Facebook with the use of My Social Book, which taps into your social media accounts for your pictures which you can then add to a photo album and print. Grab a collection of photos with your friend, partner, or family member and put them all together in a printed photo album for them to keep forever.  

The brilliance of a physical photo is that you can do a lot more with them. With digital photos, they’re stuck on the internet, scrolled past as quickly as it was posted. Physical photos can be put in frames, albums, on the side of candles, as part of a bigger mural or gallery wall, added to calendars, and more.