The Federal Bureau of Investigations stated that crime decreased by 30% from 2011 to 2020, but this does not mean that you do not need a security system. These systems do more than just keep you safe because they allow you to automate your home and create a place of convenience. What are the other benefits? 


The Benefits that Come with Having a Home Security System


You will receive the following benefits of having a home security system: 


Lower Insurance Premiums


Your home insurance company may take 5% to 20% off of your premiums if you have a professional install a home security system. You can ensure that you receive a 20% discount if your system detects water damage, smoke or fire along with intruders.


Lower Energy Bills


Home security systems have automation capabilities that help you save energy. For example, when you have a home security system paired with smart lights and a smart thermostat, they adjust themselves while the security system is on. 


A Greater Sense of Peace of Mind



Your home security system protects your home and keeps it safe whether you are away on vacation or sound asleep in your bed. These systems connect to the internet, so you can check up on things no matter where you are in the world!


Criminals Kept at Bay


When a burglar sees outdoor cameras, yard signs and stickers letting everyone know that you have a home security system, they will leave your home alone. According to a UNC Charlotte study, these individuals checked the place where they were going to strike before they decided to do so. If they saw a sign or a camera, they decided not to attack that home. 




This is the greatest benefit of having a home security system. It protects you and your family from intruders, fire and other environmental disasters. According to the FBI, each home intrusion costs a homeowner an average of $2,661, and this does not include the psychological damage that also occurs. 


The Features to Look for When Choosing a Home Security System


A DIY System


The DIY system is a security system that you can install yourself. You can also monitor it yourself, but you can find companies that will monitor these systems for you. This, of course, would be the more economical option because you do not have to pay for monitoring for the entire year if that is not what you want to do. 


The con is that you have to install the system yourself, but you may be able to manage that. 


A Professionally Installed System


A technician installs these systems, and the company monitors them on a 24-hour basis. This means that they never miss an alarm, and they can verify them to make sure that everything is all right at your home. If not, they can call the authorities. This option costs more than the DIY option because of up-front equipment costs and recurring monitoring costs, but you may find this option to be better for you. 


A benefit is that the cost of the equipment may be lower than the DIY option.