Every person is different and will respond to treatment in different ways. Some people may be best served by inpatient treatment while others can handle more holistic approaches better suited to their needs. Some patients are more tech-savvy and could benefit from digital treatment while others might be best served by in-person therapy. Each patient has different needs and is best served by exploring these options in person or through virtual therapy.

Why choose a particular type of program?

While the above list is meant to provide a general overview of addiction treatment options, there are still a few important questions to consider. Why do you want to get clean in the first place? Are you interested in dealing with the long-term effects of your addiction? Which aspects of your life are you interested in focusing on? What stage of addiction do you want to address? These questions will help you decide which type of program is right for you.

Inpatient vs. outpatient

Depending on how serious your illness is, you may be better served by an inpatient or outpatient treatment program. Most programs will have both an inpatient and an outpatient unit so you can choose which option works best for you.

In some cases, an inpatient program is necessary to address a very acute issue such as a substance-related hospitalization or Rehabilitation Centre in Gurgaon. But in other cases, an outpatient treatment program can be just as helpful. For example, you may feel well enough to participate in treatment at home, but you’d still benefit from the ability to be around other patients and receive support.

Work Recovery

Many people, including managers and professionals, struggle with addiction during work hours. At the same time, work is also often a factor in deciding whether or not to continue with treatment.

If you’re a manager or a professional who regularly handles workplace issues, you may be better suited to an inpatient treatment unit. These programs are typically short-term and will help you deal with substance-related issues while you focus on your job. If you’re unsure whether or not you should continue with treatment, speak with your doctor. Some people can safely work while they’re on treatment and others may benefit from a more holistic approach.

Day Treatment

Many people find that day treatment is best for dealing with acute addictions. These programs generally last for a few hours and involve a lot of talking and listening.

If you have a lot of trouble sitting still for the allotted time, day treatment may not be best for you. On the other hand, a shorter program might be better for someone whose attention span isn’t as great as theirs.

Partial hospitalization

Partial hospitalization is usually a good option for people whose addictions are less acute and don’t need all the bells and whistles that come with inpatient care.

For example, a partial hospitalization program might involve going to a hospital or Rehabilitation Centre in Delhi NCR for a week or two to treat your addiction. While at the hospital or rehab facility, you can still participate in day treatment while you heal.

What next?

Depending on your situation, you may want to stay in treatment longer than you initially planned. Or you may want to try a different type of treatment or be more flexible with your schedule so you can fit in treatment with your other priorities. Whatever your situation is, Surrogates offers a free consultation to help you explore your options.

provisional staff members will be on-site to support you during your intake, during your treatment, and after you’ve completed your treatment. Your provisional staff members will work with you to create a treatment plan that’s best for you and your addiction. Once you’ve made the decision to change your life, you can’t go back. Get directions to the best rehabilitation center in Delhi NCR.