Text analysis converts unstructured text into structured data for further analysis. Standard methods include sentiment analysis, topic modeling, and text classification. Keep reading to learn more about what is text analysis and how it can be used to improve your business.

What is text analytics?

Text analytics is the process of deriving value from unstructured text data. This data can come from various sources, including social media, surveys, call center recordings, and documents. Text analytics can find insights into customer feedback, understand public opinion, and track events.

Text analytics combines machine learning, statistical, and linguistic techniques to process large volumes of unstructured text or text that does not have a predefined format. It enables businesses, governments, researchers, and media to exploit the enormous content at their disposal for making crucial decisions. Text analytics uses various techniques: sentiment analysis, topic modeling, named entity recognition, term frequency, and event extraction.

Sentiment analysis is the process of determining the attitude of a speaker or writer concerning some topic or subject. This is done by identifying the polarity of each piece of text (positive, negative, or neutral) and then quantifying it.

Topic modeling is discovering the hidden topics in a set of documents. This is done by identifying the most associated words with each topic and then clustering them together.

Named entity recognition is the process of identifying the names of people, places, organizations, and so on in a piece of text. This is done by identifying the most associated words with each entity and then clustering them together.

Term frequency is the number of times a word appears in a document. This is used to determine the importance of a word in a text.

Event extraction identifies events that occur in a text. This is done by identifying the words most associated with each event and clustering them together.

What are the benefits of text analysis?

Text analytics is the process of deriving high-value insights from text data. This can include customer feedback, social media posts, and open-ended survey responses. There are many benefits of text analytics. Some of the most notable include:

  • Improved decision-making
  • Increased customer engagement
  • Enhanced knowledge management
  • Better understanding of market trends
  • Improved product and service development
  • More efficient operations
  • Optimized marketing campaigns
  • Improved risk management
  • Enhanced customer service
  • Increased profits

What tools are used for text analysis?

Text analysis examines a text to draw conclusions about it. This can be done manually, but several tools can help automate the process. Some of the most common tools used for text analysis are:

NLP software is used to help identify keywords and relationships between them. This can be done in various ways, including natural language processing, statistical modeling, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. NLP software is used by many different types of businesses, including search engines, marketing firms, and analytics companies. It can be used to help improve the accuracy of keyword predictions and help identify relationships between keywords. NLP software can also be used to determine the sentiment of text, which can improve the accuracy of sentiment analysis.

Sentiment analysis software is used to determine the attitude of a speaker or writer concerning some topic or subject. There are a few different ways to do sentiment analysis, but they all try to determine whether a text is positive, negative, or neutral. Some sentiment analysis software also tries to assess the intensity of the sentiment, for example, whether the text is just mildly positive or highly positive.

Topic modeling software is a great way to organize and study extensive document collections. It does this by identifying the dominant themes in a set of documents. This can be used to identify trends or to see what topics are being talked about in a particular area. A few different types of software can do this, but they all work similarly. The software will read through all the documents in a collection and look for words and phrases that occur more than once. It will then group these to create a theme. The identified themes can be used to understand what the documents are about. This can be helpful for understanding an extensive collection of documents or researching a specific topic. Several different software applications are used for topic modeling. Generally, these applications use algorithms to analyze a corpus of text and identify the topics mentioned in the text.

What are the different ways of using sentiment analysis software?

Lexicon-based methods: These methods use pre-determined words or terms associated with a particular sentiment. The software then looks at the words in the text and determines the overall sentiment based on how many pre-determined words are used.

Machine learning methods: These methods use algorithms to learn the sentiment of a text from a set of training data. The software is given a group of texts that have been manually classified as positive, negative, or neutral. The software then learns how to determine the sentiment of a text by looking at the words in the text and the associated class.

Statistical methods: These methods use mathematical models to determine the sentiment of a text. The software looks at several features of the text, such as the number of positive words, the number of negative words, and the length of the text, and then uses a mathematical model to determine the overall sentiment.

All of these methods have their advantages and disadvantages. Lexicon-based methods are relatively simple to implement but can be inaccurate if the set of pre-determined words is not large enough. Machine learning methods are more accurate than lexicon-based methods but are also more complex to implement. Statistical methods are the most accurate but also the most complex to implement.

What is a keyword in context (KWIC)?

A Keyword in Context (KWIC) is a word or phrase used to locate specific information in a text. KWIC searches can find definitions, synonyms, antonyms, and other related words. They can also be used to find specific instances of a word or phrase within a text. This can help save time when typing or reduce the amount of typing required for commonly used phrases. KWICs can also help create a more consistent style for writing.


Text analytics is a powerful tool that can help businesses make better decisions and stay competitive in today’s digital age.