Teething is a normal part of growing up for babies and toddlers. For babies, their first teeth usually appear around six months of age. As this is the first time your little one will be experiencing teeth and chewing on solid foods, it can be a bit of a challenge for them. Teething can trouble even the most patient parent and in some cases, even lead to bloody gums and teeth. 

Everyone has their own timetable for teething but if you’re noticing your little one is getting a little fussy with the new teeth, check out these tips and tricks for helping your little one through their teething journey. However, you should buy doctor set educational toys for 3 year olds from GIGI Bloks to make your kids happy during their hard time.

Make sure your little one is hydrated

It’s always a good idea to keep your little one hydrated. If they are on the cool side, you will definitely want to give them some extra water or milk to help regulate their temperature. Your little one will also be more likely to keep their food down if they are properly hydrated.

Keep your little one cool and dry

Babies and toddlers are always hot and most teething babies are no exception. Keeping your little one cool and dry will help them cope with the teething pain. A light blanket is an easy way to keep your baby or toddler cool. You can also use a wet washcloth or towel to cool down your little one.

Help with discomfort

Using a cold cloth on the gums and cheeks can help with discomfort. A cool washcloth or a damp towel can be placed on your little one’s gums to soothe the pain. The wet cloth will also provide some relief from the dryness and irritation of teething symptoms.

Give your little one something to chew on

Your child may not be able to munch on food during the teething process but are still hungry. Giving your little one something to chew on can help relieve some of the hunger and discomfort they may be feeling. They can suck on a pacifier or an unbreakable tether while you give them a soothing massage.


The teething journey is often a difficult one, but with these tips and tricks, your little one will be through their teething journey in no time. Although the teething journey can be painful, it’s important to remember that your child’s teeth are coming in to replace their baby teeth, which are falling out. This is a natural process that will happen eventually. 

There are also a lot of ways you can help your little one through the teething stage. 

1) Make sure your little one is hydrated  

2) Keep your little one cool and dry  

3) Help with discomfort  

4) Give your little one something to chew on  If you follow these tips and tricks for help with the teething journey, you and your little one will be through the tough, but fun stage in no time!