If your home or business is in need of a new roof, it could be the ideal time to set up a solar panel system and start reducing your energy costs, while also bumping up your property’s value.

While many roofs that are already in situ are perfectly compatible with a solar panel system, older roofs and those that are in need of significant repairs, may need to be replaced before its safe to have panels installed. If you’re not sure whether your roof needs to be replaced in order to support a solar array, you can ask a local roofing contractor to inspect it for you.  

How important is it to have the right roof for solar panels?

Actually, having the right roof in the right condition, is vital, particularly if you want to maximize your energy savings, the value of your home, and the longevity of both the roof and the solar system. 

Many roofs are designed and constructed using materials that aren’t well suited to support solar panels, and which may encourage water damage, over time. Equally, a roof that hasn’t been installed at an appropriate angle, will not enable you to get the most out of the system’s potential for solar production. If panels have to be installed on a roof and adjusted to achieve the right degree of tilt, this will cost more.

It’s worth considering that with solar panels added to a ‘healthy’ roof, its lifespan can be considerably increased thanks to the added protection of the panels that have been made from highly durable materials, and maintenance and repairs overall, would become far less necessary. 

What about cost?

If you’re having a new building constructed, then you’re going to have to pay for the roof anyway, so you’re just looking at the extra cost of the panels, while considering the long term savings it will make you from the system itself, and on roof repairs. When constructing a building from scratch, this is the perfect time to have a solar system installed, since the two projects can be carried out in unison to minimize disruption. You may even find a local company who are qualified to install both, which could present you with even bigger savings.

If you’re replacing an existing roof, than you may be looking at an average cost of around $8,000, depending on the roof’s size and your choice of materials. Having a solar array installed can cost a little less than $20,000 (again, depending on its size), so if you’re replacing a roof and then having solar panels installed on it, you may need to spend around $30,000. 

Roof replacements and solar arrays

It makes financial sense to have a solar system installed at the same time as your replacement roof, and that way, the lifespan of both systems match. Installing the panels and then having your roof replaced a few years down the line, will simply result in unnecessary costs, as removing and re-installing the solar system can cost as much as $6,000, plus the panels will need to be stored securely while the roof is replaced. 

If you need to replace your roof, you should seriously consider having a solar panel system installed at the same time, making your home more environmentally friendly, helping you make big savings on your monthly energy bills, and significantly increasing your home’s value.