Betta fin rot is a common disease that can affect these fish. It is caused by bacteria, usually because of poor water conditions. If your betta has this condition, you’ll see red or purple marks on the tail. The fins may also look frayed and appear to have small red dots along the edges. These are all indications of this disease, which will continue to get worse if not treated right away. Read on to learn more about how to reverse betta fin rot using almond leaves for betta and other methods…

What Is Betta Fin Rot?

Betta fin rot is a bacterial infection that involves the fish’s fins. It’s very common in bettas and other tropical fish species, and it can quickly become life-threatening if it’s not treated. Betta fin rot is caused by poor water quality, which can lead to an increase in bacteria in the water. This bacteria travels to the fins and begins to eat away at them. Betta fin rot is typically characterised by red or purple marks on the fish’s fins and/or fraying and small red dots along the edges of the fins. The fins may also look slimy or even crusty, and they may smell bad.

How to Cure Betta Fin Rot?

If your betta has fin rot, you’ll want to get it treated right away. Fin rot is caused by bacteria that are easily spread to other fish, so if you have other fish in the tank, you’ll want to treat all of them to prevent the infection from spreading. If you’re treating your betta with fin rot, you’ll want to do the following:

– First, isolate the betta from any other fish in the tank.

– Next, clean the tank. You can do this using an aquarium cleaner or by doing a water change.

– Add antibiotics to treat the fin rot. There are several types of antibiotics you can use to treat fin rot, so read the directions to choose the right one for your fish.

– The next step is to improve the tank conditions. This will help prevent fin rot from coming back.

Reverse Betta Fin Rot Using Indian Almond Leaves

If your betta is experiencing fin rot, you can use Indian almond leaves to reverse it. Indian almond leaves have antibacterial properties that will help heal your betta’s fins. How to use Indian almond leaves? Simply place them in your betta’s tank. They’ll break down into the water and help heal the fin rot. If you want, you can also take the leaves out of the tank and mash them up. 

Then, use them as a poultice to put on the betta’s fins to heal the fin rot. If you use the leaves in the tank, you’ll have to be careful because your bettas will eat them. However, using the leaves in the tank is a great way to help heal your bettas’ fins without any effort on your part.

Other Methods to Reverse Betta Fin Rot

There are other methods you can use to reverse betta fin rot. You can add an aquarium CO2 pump to your tank to improve water quality and help prevent fin rot. You can also change 20-30% of the water in your tank every week to help keep the water quality high. You can also use a water conditioner to help improve the water quality. 

Be sure to follow the directions on the bottle to mix it with water that’s in your tank so it’s properly conditioned. Finally, you can add Indian almond leaves to your betta’s tank. They’ll break down over time and improve the water quality. They’ll also help heal fin rot.


Betta fin rot is a common bacterial infection that can affect your betta. You can treat it by adding antibiotics to the water and cleaning your tank, but you can also use Indian almond leaves to reverse fin rot. You can also use these methods to reverse fin rot. If you notice your betta has fin rot, make sure to treat it as soon as possible.