Do you dread going to work each morning? Do you find your job dull and uninspiring? You are not alone. According to a recent poll, it was estimated that 85% of people (or 850 million out of the 1 billion people interviewed) are not engaged at work, suggesting that they are unhappy. 

With statistics like these, chances are you feel like you are stuck in a dead-end job you don’t enjoy, dreaming of a better career. However, many people choose not to take the plunge and leave their current job. This is because they are concerned that they will be unable to get a new and better job, and it is a big risk to take if you can’t. A dull job, although boring, does offer financial security, and some people believe that the risk of quitting a job to find a new one is not worth it. 

If you are thinking about changing your career, but are worried about potential unemployment, here are some tips to help you get a better job.  

Start researching

Before you even consider leaving your current role, you first need to work out which career path is the right one for you. Do you want to stay in the same field you are currently working in but in a more demanding role? Or do you want a complete career change?

Whatever you decide, the next thing you need to check is the current demand for the job you want to go into. There is no point in leaving your current job in search of a role that is currently not in demand. 

If you are struggling to find positions that fit the exact role you want, you should try and be more flexible, both with the locations you are willing to work and the kind of job you want. For example, if you are interested in a role in editing, you might want to consider opening your doors to content writing. The more flexible you are with your job aspirations, the more likely you are to find a better job. 

Update your CV and cover letter

When you know what sort of jobs you want to apply for, it’s time to update your CV. If you have been in your current position for several years, chances are your resumé is outdated. 

Before you start applying for jobs, make sure you have a CV and cover letter template. These templates will make it much easier for you to write your CV and cover letter and will help you stand out from the crowd. You should aim to keep your resumé no more than two pages long, while the length of your cover letter should be one page. 

Once you have found the right template, make sure that you follow the correct CV structure. You should also aim to create a basic outline for a cover letter, although it is hugely important that you tailor each cover letter to each role you apply for. 

Distribute your CV to recruitment agencies

Once you have spent a lot of time editing and revamping your CV, you should consider sending it out to recruiters. Although it is still worthwhile emailing your CV to one employer at a time, sending your resumé out to recruiting agencies could help you get considered for higher-paid roles as recruiters send your CV out.

Set yourself goals

Applying for jobs can be daunting and exhausting. If you want to make the most of your time, but don’t want to overwork yourself, try and set yourself reasonable goals. To have the highest chances of getting a job offer, you should aim to apply for around 3 jobs a day. By broadening your search and applying for a lot of different roles, you are more likely to get a better, higher-paying job. 

Prepare yourself for interviews

If you have followed all of the advice above, you will undoubtedly have a higher chance of passing the first stages of a job application and may be lucky enough to get an interview. 

If you have been in the same job for a long period of time, chances are that your interview skills are lacking. Moreover, most people find interviews the hardest part of job applications, so it is important that you prepare yourself. Make sure you spend time creating answers for different types of questions, such as: 

  • Why do you want to work at this company?
  • Why do you want this job?
  • What are your greatest strengths?
  • What relevant experience do you have for this role?

Spend time researching and practicing some of the most likely questions that interviewers are likely to ask. You also need to prepare and practice your interview manners and make sure you have a formal outfit prepared in case you do get called for an interview. 

Make yourself more employable

If you are still struggling to get a better job, you may need to make some longer-term changes to make yourself more employable. If you want to make yourself more employable quickly, consider signing up for online courses that can be completed in your own time. 

If you are looking to make a complete career change in order to get a job, it is important to note that you may have to requalify. Specific jobs require specific degrees, and this is something that you need to factor in before you decide to make a career switch. For example, if you decide that you want to become a lawyer, you will have to complete an LSAT exam, which will take months of hard work. Once you have invested in your own education, you will be much more likely to be considered for your dream role. 


If you are bored with your day to day life and want to make a career change, you need to make sure that you plan and consider your new career change carefully. Although it may seem daunting, a little bit of hard work could land you with a better job that you are excited to do every day.