Spa days can be a wonderful way to treat your bridal party to a relaxing day of self-care. However, you may find that you want more therapies than one session can give you. Visit a nearby spa to see what’s possible, then make a list of issues you’d like to address before the big day.


Consider Getting Fillers


Treatments such as fillers can address tiny lines on various areas of your face. From creases near your eyes to wrinkles on your forehead, fillers can make a big difference in your appearance.


Be aware that these injection sites can be discolored or appear bruised shortly after your treatment. If you want to do any treatments that penetrate or alter the surface of the skin, such as microdermabrasion, dermaplaning or injectables, you want time to heal.


If you’re getting married towards the end of summer, you may have a fading tan to contend with. A mild chemical peel may help your skin look healthy and bright, but not for the first few days after the treatment. Again, give yourself plenty of time to heal.


Make Time for a Facial


Facials from a professional spa can do much more than give you smooth, healthy skin. You can get an Aqua-Facial treatment, which will not only deeply clean your pores but will treat them with a serum that will help your skin glow.


Like a lot of wedding preparations, it’s a great idea to start early. If you plan to use injectable products to fill lines or plump your lips, you may need to start up to a year in advance.


Once you know what you want, book a consultation with one aesthetician and plan out treatments that will help you take care of issues that concern you. Bouncing from aesthetician to aesthetician can cause issues.


You’re under enough pressure as it is; you don’t need a surprise reaction to a new product or a new stressor! Remember also that the stress of planning your wedding can start to show up on your face in different ways than you’ve ever experienced. Your aesthetician can help you select a family of products that will benefit you most over the course of your preparation time.


Hair Treatments: Brows and Scalp


Hair restoration is another treatment that you may want to plan far in advance. If you’re going in once a month for a particular session of fillers or microneedling, book a hair restoration treatment as well!


Once you’ve been through your treatment plan with your chosen aesthetician, go ahead and get your last facial one week before the big day. Make sure you also get your brows done in plenty of time so your skin can relax.


If you’ve been going to one aesthetician for years and suddenly suffer a breakout or reaction, be aware that stress may have heightened your sensitivities. If you’ve changed your diet to prepare for the big day, let your aesthetician know. Don’t schedule anything closer than seven days before your big day.