Just discover your dental bridge feels shaky or loose? Sometimes, a dental appliance may lose its grip due to various factors. However, you should not worry because you can fix this minor issue at home while making an appointment with your dentist. Read more here on how you can manage a loose dental bridge without causing more harm to your dental health.

Understanding Your Dental Bridge

A dental bridge is a fixed prosthesis used to replace one or several missing teeth by joining an artificial tooth to adjacent dental implants or natural teeth. It is one of the most popular solutions for missing teeth. The procedure typically takes two visits to the dentist, but in some cases, it may need additional adjustments after installation.

Why Bridges Become Loose

There are several reasons that your dental bridge might become loose. It could be due to trauma from an injury, poor oral hygiene leading to gum diseases, dietary habits that harm teeth and bridges like consuming hard or sticky food, or natural wear and tear over time.

Initial Steps to Handle Loose Bridge

If you notice any looseness, stop putting pressure on it immediately. Avoid chewing on that side of your mouth until you see a professional. The initial step is often the most crucial and plays a significant role in preventing further damage.

Dental Wax as Temporary Fix

In non-emergency situations, temporary modifications might be beneficial until you see your dentist. Over-the-counter dental wax can serve as a provisional binding agent in such cases. However, make sure only to use products recommended by dental professionals.

Cleaning Your Loose Dental Bridge

Cleaning your loose bridge could help prevent infection. Rinse it gently with warm salt water and carefully brush the teeth surrounding the bridge without dislodging it. The aim is to clean the area without causing further movement or damage.

The Importance of Dental Checkups

Regular dental examinations are essential to maintain oral health. Your dentist can identify any possible issues with your dental bridge during these routine check-ups, hence preventing sudden loosening or breakage.

Professional Intervention is Necessary

While you can manage a loose bridge temporarily at home, dental experts should handle the issue in the long run. A dentist will need to examine your mouth and determine the next steps, such as repairing or possibly replacing the bridge or underlying teeth.

Possibility of Replacement

If the bridge has been in place for a significant time, your dentist might suggest replacement rather than a simple fix. It might also be necessary if there are issues with the support teeth that cannot be fixed.

Preventive Measures

Maintaining good oral health and regular visits to your dentist can help prevent dental bridge issues. Brush twice daily with fluoride toothpaste and floss between your teeth and around your bridge regularly to avoid plaque buildup.

Why Fixing it Yourself is Risky

While some temporary home solutions for a loose dental bridge exist, DIY attempts can lead to severe complications if not undertaken with caution. It could lead to swallowing or aspiration of the dental appliance, damage to other teeth, discomfort or pain, infections and more serious dental issues.

Wrapping Things Up

A shaky dental bridge could bring about uncomfortable experiences and painful situations. If you find yourself grappling with a loose bridge, remember that although home remedies may offer temporary relief, they are not permanent solutions. Reaching out to your dentist for a professional assessment is crucial. With their expertise and the information provided above, you can handle loose dental bridges with ease and confidence.