It’s very important to understand the many benefits that green living comes with. At the end of the day, this is a personal choice. It means choosing to make the world a better place for future generations. Yet, any choice to make your life greener will directly benefit your wellbeing and in more ways than one.


Benefits of a Green Lifestyle

Green living has many benefits at any age. From improved health to well-being, living a sustainable life has many undeniable advantages. For seniors, those benefits can be even greater.


Green living saves you money

Going green implies you will be more aware of your energy consumption. The less energy you consume, the lower your Eversource CT expenses will be. But, even if you keep your current habits, there are many eco-friendly gadgets that will provide you with the same level of performance while using much electricity.


Going green requires keeping your mind and body busy

An eco-friendly environment offers limitless opportunities for learning and growth. Green living means walking or taking a bike when you need to go somewhere, growing your own food in your garden and learning to cook organic meals. As we grow older, keeping our mind and bodies active is essential to preserving your health.


Making your home more green-friendly makes it more valuable

A prospective buyer knows the value of an energy-efficient home. Installing solar panels or water-saving shower directly increases the selling price of your home. Even if you are not thinking of selling, these investments also reduce your energy bill so they will pay off themselves through utility bill reductions. The return will be even quicker if you are eligible for an incentive or tax deduction. Last but not least, green homes are more durable so they will last much longer than traditional ones.


A greener environment is beneficial for your health

A greener environment is cleaner. That means improved air quality and breathing better air will not only benefit your health but also your wallet as you won’t be spending on insurance products and hospital bills. By contributing to lower emissions of pollutants, you will be also helping wildlife which is just as harmed by them, or even more.



Green Living Tips for Seniors

There are many viable and easy ways that you could go green. The main principle is that you get to be as creative as you like as you come up with ways to be energy efficient and reduce waste.


Take a shot at gardening

Growing a garden will help you stay active physically and mentally while also benefiting the environment.


Eat organic food

As we grow older, our immune systems weaken. Eating organic food filled with fresh fruits and vegetables will help in giving it a boost it needs. Not to mention you will take the burden of digesting all those chemicals from processed foods that don’t do any good to neither our digestive or overall health. Reducing the intake of genetically modified organisms and hormones has been shown to reduce the risk of developing or aggravating a range of health issues. Eating green also has an economic and global impact as you get to directly reduce greenhouse gas emissions required to get the food on your plate.


Say farewell to plastics

You should nurture feel-good rituals such as enjoying a cup of coffee, just use reusable cups and coffee beans from sustainable manufacturers that don’t come with plastic packaging. Replace plastic bags with reusable totes made out of sustainable textiles.



As the Native American Proverb goes, we do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. Nature took such good care of us and it’s time to return the favor. Just like a sustainable home, the better we take care of the planet, the longer it will last. In return, we even get to be healthier, happier and save money along the way so green living is really a no-brainer.