Just as it’s recommended that you get regular exercise to stay healthy, the same holds true for your furry companion. While your pup likely does some running around the yard and jumping up when you get home, they still need to have some dedicated time to enjoy healthy cardio, such as a daily walk.


The Importance of Regular Exercise for Dogs


It’s not uncommon for dogs to be more sedentary as they age. This can lead to sore joints, obesity, and even diabetes. Scheduling in some puppy bonding time over cardio exercises can be a great way to help your dog shed excess fat and keep their joints and muscles healthy. A simple daily walk is a great way to help get their energy out and enjoy spending time with your companion.


Creative Ways to Incorporate Cardio into a Daily Walk


One of the best ways to combat a sedentary lifestyle in your pup is to schedule in a daily walk. This simple action is extremely effective in stimulating your dog’s mental and physical health. If you want to up your pup’s health and happiness, consider adding some cardio to your daily walks.


A simple way to do this is to sprint at the start and periodically throughout your daily walk. Depending on the breed of dog that you have, you may find that they enjoy long jogs or short running intervals. Watch your pup and see what they best respond to. If you want to up your dog’s cardio further, consider a hiking trail over a neighborhood walk. This helps to boost balance and build strength in your dog.


Choosing the Right Cardio Activities for Your Dog’s Breed and Size


While there are a plethora of cardio activities that you can do with your dog, it’s important to realize what best fits them. Not all dog breeds enjoy the same type of cardio exercise. In fact, some may struggle in certain areas where others excel. For example, if you have a herding dog, you’ll likely find that they love to run. Taking them on a half-hour jog may seem like no big deal.


However, a flat-faced dog or senior dog that has arthritis will respond differently. Running may not be the best option as they can struggle to move and breathe. Try to choose an activity that is more appropriate for them. For example, a senior dog that likes water can get their cardio in by swimming. The water makes the physical activity lighter on their joints than running on hard ground does.


Beyond the Leash: Exploring Other Canine Fitness Options


Apart from taking regular walks, there are many other fun activities that you can do with your dog to keep them physically and mentally stimulated. Some popular options include swimming, hiking, agility courses, dog parks, and playing fetch. Even some hide-and-seek games inside will help to stimulate their physical and mental energy.


Keeping your pup happy and healthy is always a noble endeavor. By taking some time to assess your dog’s breed and size, you can choose some great cardio activities that can help to keep your dog stimulated.