To err is human but the personal injury claim that you file is not the right place to make mistakes. Have you been injured in an accident where you were not at fault? If your medical bills racked up and you couldn’t attend work for a long period of time, a personal injury lawyer can help you out. He thoroughly reviews the entire case and works on your behalf to claim a substantial settlement offer. 


Are you aware of the fact that the simple mistakes that most clients make in a PI claim can be avoided in order to maximize your claim? Before you wait for your Utah injury attorney to tell you about these, here are the mistakes that you should avoid at any cost. 


Mistake #1: Bearing the notion that you can’t hire a lawyer


Personal injury attorneys usually work on a contingency fee basis. This means that the attorney will receive a percentage of the settlement offer only if he helps you win the case. In case he is not able to win, he doesn’t receive any payment. The initial costs are all covered by the PI attorney out of pocket. Later on, he gets a chance to recoup the costs as the result of the case is finalized. Hence, you can easily appoint a PI lawyer for your case.


Mistake #2: Sending an official statement to the insurance company


Unless you have a solid representation, you should never send any official statement to the insurance company. The law firm you work with should offer you proper representation before communicating with the insurance company. In case you are involved in a car accident, you need to have a recorded statement before presenting it to the insurance company. Insurance companies always practice some kind of tricks to deceive you.


Mistake #3: Not asking the right questions to your lawyer


Since this is your case, you should be whole-heartedly involved until your case is resolved by the personal injury lawyer. Before you hire a lawyer, you need to ask him the right questions. Not asking queries and believing in whatever the lawyer tells you is a blunder you should avoid committing. Asking questions will guarantee clarity and transparency. 


Mistake #4: Not filing a claim within the mentioned time frame


If you’ve been seriously or mildly injured due to the reckless behavior of another person, you might take several months to recover from the injuries. However, you have to remember the fact that the personal injury victims who have been injured in a truck accident or a car crash, have a limited time to file claims. Make sure you know the Statute of Limitations of the state you reside in. Crossing the SOL will make your case invalid. 


So, before you boost your chances of winning a case by hiring a PI lawyer, try your best to stay away from all the above-listed personal injury claim mistakes. This will help you in winning the case.