The experienced guides in Alaska offer a variety of packages to suit your needs, options for on-site lodging to take the stress out of your vacation plans, and full-service Alaskan fishing experiences. Lodges and fishing tours are located in close proximity to the beautiful Kenai River, which also happens to be a world-famous spot for fishing. Catch Halibut and Salmon to fill your freezer, make new memories, and share the benefits of fishing with the entire family!


What are some other good reasons to plan a fishing trip with your family?


First, it’s an opportunity to get away from the noise and restlessness of modern life. How many times have you or someone in your family wished they could get away from noisy neighbors, been woken up by unexpected lights outside of your bedroom window, or just plain needed a break from mundane chores?


Now think about an afternoon on a boat, casting your line into the water surrounded by fresh air and calm weather. Not everyone has an opportunity to experience beautiful forests and clean air in their everyday lives, but the benefits mean they should. It also provides a chance to unwind, allow your thoughts to flow freely, and focus on more important things than social media and work: you, your family, and catching fish, of course.


But did you know that fishing can also be an exercise in self-esteem? Or for your body?


Patience and perseverance are valuable lessons that everyone should learn, and fishing, which requires both, is one way to learn those lessons. Children who experience fishing for the first time, or not very often, can experience the thrill of landing a big catch. There is a sense of elation that comes from landing a big catch, and children learn an important lesson about persistence while doing so. On the flip side, they’ll learn to deal with disappointment a little better every time a fish gets away — reset the hook, cast the line out another time, and try again.


Even non-anglers already have some idea of the importance of patience while fishing. Not as many people, however, realize that it can be a beneficial exercise for their body as well. There is quite a bit of walking, and work involved in setting up the boat. When reeling in a large fish, it helps to keep your core steady, or there could be quite a bit of twisting and turning involved. An adult halibut can average 25-30 lbs in weight, with salmon being in a similar weight range depending on the species. It may not feel the same as powerlifting or running a marathon, but fishing is still one way to remain fit and physically active. In fact, it could be ideal for people with joint problems, asthma, or other health conditions, because fishing is easier on the body than most other sports.


But perhaps the biggest, and most obvious, benefit of all is the time spent relaxing and making memories with family.