Once the cold winter winds begin to blow, you’ll need to rely on your home’s heating system to keep you warm for the upcoming season. Staying on top of HVAC system maintenance helps to prevent many of the most common issues that arise in the wintertime. But, you could still find yourself facing an HVAC system emergency that could put your home and health in jeopardy. Knowing how to navigate your way through fixing the heating system makes it easy to relax and enjoy your favorite seasonal events.


Check the Air Filter

A clogged air filter is one of the most common causes of heating system emergencies. Without proper airflow, the unit can’t function well enough to send warmth through your home’s vents. Most HVAC systems need the air filter to be changed every one to three months. If it’s been a while since you’ve changed out the one in your home, then it’s worth checking to see if correcting this issue could make the system start functioning again. Proactive HVAC maintenance is key to preventing emergencies! Keep your system running smoothly, especially during the winter months.


Make Sure the Vents Are Open

Occasionally, people close vents to avoid heating an unused room. If you’re opening up rooms for guests, then you might discover that one room feels unusually cold. If the vent is closed, then this is an easy fix. Just open the vent back up and monitor the room to make sure it starts to warm up to match the rest of the house’s temperature.


Listen for Unusual Noises

HVAC systems often give some not-so-subtle clues that the unit is having a problem. If you hear loud clangs, squeals, or knocks when the unit starts up, then you should consider that it may be time for an inspection. Usually, loud noises indicate that a deeper problem could be occurring in the system that goes far beyond just popping in a new air filter.


Stay Safe As You Troubleshoot

Homeowners can typically replace an air filter on their own, but you might need to use caution if accessing the heating system requires climbing on a ladder. You will also want to make sure to shut off power to the unit anytime you try to inspect it to find out what might be causing a problem. If you have a gas-powered heating system, then you’ll also want to be cautious about igniting the pilot light to avoid dangerous leaks.


Know When to Call In a Pro

Professional HVAC system technicians are trained to handle winter emergencies quickly and safely. Never try to address a major electrical or gas problem that you aren’t trained to handle. You’ll also want to call in a pro to help when time is of the essence. Since keeping your home warm prevents burst pipes and other cold-weather emergencies, calling for help right away helps to keep your home in good condition.


Realizing that your home isn’t staying warm is distressing, but you don’t have to sit in the cold for long. After doing a few basic troubleshooting tasks, make sure to call for professional services right away. Many common HVAC system issues are repairable in as little as a single day, which means that you can go back to enjoying your favorite indoor activities while being surrounded by warmth.