A seemingly harmless glass of wine or beer during dinner out with friends can lead to events that are devastating to a person’s private and professional life. If a Colorado police officer pulls someone over in traffic and asks him or her to exit the vehicle, chances are, the driver is suspected of intoxication. The fact is, even what someone considers a small amount of alcohol can have legal ramifications that include DUI charges, substantial fines, legal fees and more.


A first offense can have severe repercussions when a person has been convicted of DUI in a Colorado court. State law lists this as a criminal misdemeanor, which may carry penalties such as driver’s license suspension, up to $1,000 in fines and as much as one year behind bars. For a second offense, a driver automatically incurs a minimum of 10 days in jail. A fourth offense (or beyond) means that DUI charges increase to a felony crime. A judge may order a person convicted of DUI to complete an alcohol addiction treatment program, as well as serve probation and/or community service hours.

Hidden Costs of a DUI


Facing DUI charges in Colorado or any other state can spark financial distress in more ways than one. For example, bail can be as high as $2,500 in some cases. There can also be fees associated with drug screenings or urine analyses. In addition to such expenses, most people facing drunk driving charges will secure criminal defense support before heading to court, which adds to expenses.


Navigating the criminal justice system due to DUI charges might mean having to take time off work. Then again, if a person’s license is suspended, he or she might have no way of getting to work, which could cause a loss of a job. Being unemployed might be the straw that breaks the camel’s back financially speaking. These examples show how a single traffic stop can have a ripple effect that causes a severe financial crisis.


Building a strong support network from the start is the key to a positive


Some people might think they will save money if they represent themselves in court rather than hiring a defense attorney to speak and act on their behalf. However, an experienced attorney is often able to achieve a more positive outcome in court than a defendant might have been able to obtain on his or her own. Therefore, while there may be legal fees attached to hiring representation, it is wise to do so because a Colorado defense attorney is well-versed in state laws and can determine which strategy would be most effective in a particular set of circumstances.


Ways to avoid DUI charges in Colorado


Available resources can help Colorado residents avoid being pulled over for suspected drunk driving, such as using a ride share service. It pays to think ahead and make responsible choices for safe travel and to avoid legal problems.