Starting flight school can be the beginning of an exciting new chapter in your life. With the skills to fly a plane, so many opportunities can open up to you. Keep reading to learn about flight school and the different types of programs that may be available in your area.


The process of becoming a pilot depends on what your goals may be. Do you want to work as a commercial pilot for an airline? If so, you’ll need to go to college for a bachelor’s degree in a related field and will need to fulfill many requirements to receive your airline transport pilot license. One route that some people take is to get their training through the military. Alternatively, you may want a career in aviation but not as a pilot for an airline. In this case, you can pursue a commercial pilot license. You’ll have to pass a test and meet the requisite requirements in order to obtain your license. Then, you could potentially fly agricultural planes, corporate planes, work as an instructor, or have another job in the air. Finally, if you’re just interested in flying as a hobby, look into getting a private pilot license. For any of these licenses, you’ll have to pass a medical test, pass a written test, and prove your skills during a checkride. As you might imagine, the licensure process is much more difficult if you plan on viewing aviation as a career as opposed to a hobby.


To receive your private pilot license, you’ll need to log a minimum of 40 hours of flight time. This has to consist of at least 20 hours of flight training with an authorized instructor and at least ten hours of solo flight training. It also needs to include at least ten takeoffs and ten landings, among other requirements. Further, you’ll be asked to complete a ground training program, which could consist of another 40 hours of instructional time. To receive your commercial pilot license, you’ll need to meet FAA’s requirement of 250 hours of flight time. Keep in mind, though, that many companies could require more than 1,000 hours of flight time before you start working for them. Airline transport pilots have to fly a minimum of 1,500 hours, including 100 hours of night-time flying, before receiving their licenses.


If you’re ready to take the next step, you’ll want to choose a flight school that meets your needs. Some flight schools are very flexible, allowing you to easily incorporate your flight time into your schedule. You may be able to find lesson packages that can help you work towards your goals. Other flight schools are geared to people interested in pursuing aviation as a career, and they may ask for more of a commitment. For instance, at some universities, you can receive a pilot’s license along with your undergraduate degree in four years as a full-time student. When researching your options, make sure you look into the quality of instructors. You’ll want to find people who have the experience and skills necessary to support and guide you.