In comparison to lives lost and threatened by the pandemic, boredom is not an urgent issue. However, the long-term consequences of quarantine on our mental health are. Moreover, isolation alone can trigger mania for people diagnosed with a mental illness, and boredom can be quite harmful to a child’s development. It is up to us to create a strategy to navigate through these unprecedented circumstances successfully.

Quarantine Boredom
While there are multiple definitions of boredom, many clinicians have noted that boredom is connected with problematic and risk-stimulating behavior, including substance abuse. Boredom has two fundamental tenets: attention and meaning deficits.
Attention deficits happen when our brains yearn for something to do, but we are not able to direct all that cognitive horsepower at resolving a specific task.
A meaning deficit is when we cannot achieve a goal and consequently, a neurological fulfillment that arises from this achievement. This mismatch results in a lack of meaning. Therefore, boredom is neither good nor bad. Instead, boredom triggers our brain to seek new experiences and find productivity. So, let’s direct all this energy towards creative pursuits and not a risky short-term thrill.
The Benefits of Hobbies
Hobbies provide us with a new challenge. Moreover, they provide us with an opportunity to unite with other people who have similar interests. But more importantly, they provide us with an opportunity to enhance our skill set and anchor us at the present moment.
Hobbies promote eustress, a positive stress, that makes us feel excited about life. Hobbies are a great way to trigger this positive feeling. When you’re doing something you love for no other reason at all, the side-effect is this feeling of joy.
Moreover, engaging in such enjoyment is associated with lower blood pressure, total cortisol, body weight, waist circumference, depression and negative moods as well as higher levels of positive psychosocial states. The bottom line is that indulging in a hobby is right for your body, mind and soul.
Popular Hobbies
- Old School Manual Work
Knitting, crocheting, stitching and embroidering have been proved to be very mentally therapeutic, thanks to their repetitive nature that forces you to be focused on what you are doing. Of all the things to do in quarantine, it’s also one of the most beautiful end products. There are many online tutorials that you can also learn new skills.
- Become a Master Chef to Treat Your Taste Buds and Save Money
Either way, we have to cook. By mastering some culinary skills, you get to enjoy delicious food, discover new cultures and save money from food deliveries: a true win-win!
- Rediscovering the Magic of Nature Through the Joy of Gardening
Mastering some gardening skills will make you calmer and happier while creating a more peaceful environment. You can also research plants that need less sun since not everyone has yard space or balconies. Don’t worry if you know nothing about plants as there are so many apps such as PlantSnap or PlantNet that will tell you everything you need to know.
Moreover, plants are a lovely aesthetic way to shade outside light which can even lower your utility bills. While you’re at it, use the extra time to go through PA electricity suppliers as you might end up finding a better rate. With so many providers out there, getting the best deal can instantly take off several hundreds of dollars for your electricity bill.
Also, if neither of the above appeals to you, you can always get crafty, learn a new language or get sweaty with a ton of free digital workout content. Even a gentle workout practice will do wonders as long as you practice it daily. Any hobby that you choose is bound to fill your day, boost your mood, help you be mindful and flex your mental muscles.
With our busy life schedules, we had a tiny time or space to be bored. But whatever issue you are facing right now is already there, you didn’t have time to notice it. So, use these unprecedented circumstances to work on your weak spots and grow as a person and a professional.
Hobbies are a great way to achieve that. Finding a new hobby isn’t always easy because the idea is not to force yourself to like something. However, one of the perks of this crisis is that people all over the globe came together to provide a ton of free content online. So, sign up for an online class and be brave to try new things. Your real hobby will come naturally at one point or another.