In busy everyday life, one encounters some pains in different body parts. Some of them are so irritating that it does not let one concentrate on their work and then continues to increase to such a level that the person suffering from it requires immediate medical attention.

The pains that are ignored by the majority of the population every day, like aching back, stiff neck, and numbness or tingling sensation in different parts of the body, might be rooting from the compression or pinching of a very important nerve by surrounding tissues or bones resulting in numbness, pain and tingling sensation in the body.

Although most of these pains are treatable with a little bit of rest and care of the body, some pain might be so severe that other treatment methods must be explored before the nerve gets completely damaged and affects the working of the body in a very wrong way. Those who specialize in the treatment and study of these pinched nerves are called especialistas en nervios pinzados. Normally, the pain due to this problem occurs in the neck, upper back, middle back, and the nerves in the hand, elbow, and wrist can also cause similar pain and sensations to be felt.


  • Numbness in a specific area that is controlled by a nerve or very little sensation in any area of the body can suggest that there might be a pinched nerve in the body, and it is necessary to deal with it firsthand.


  • Aches and pains that resemble burning or sharp sensations in the body suggest rooting from a pinched nerve. If the pain seems to be radiating outward, then the situation can be understood to be more serious.


  • There need not be extreme pain to be felt in the body in every case of a pinched nerve. A tingling sensation resembling pins and needles sticking pinching continuously might also suggest the pinched nerve problem.


  • Muscle weakness and the frequent feeling of hand or foot falling asleep also suggest rooting from the same problem.

How to avoid nerve pinching

Though pinched nerve is a very common problem in many people, these can be avoided by the majority of them through certain precautionary measures to be followed. The body’s posture plays a very important role in nerve compression. Wrong posture can lead the nerves prone to being compressed easily. Some of the measures to avoid nerve compression problems are:

  • Maintaining a good body posture while walking, sitting, and sleeping proves beneficial in preventing pinched nerves. Lying down in one position for long periods also increases the risk of pinching.


  • The constant exercise incorporates stretching flexibility and strength to the body, thus strengthening the nerves and reducing the risk of pinching.


  • While doing some work or job responsibility that requires sitting for long durations, take frequent breaks and give rest to the body.


  • Maintaining a healthy weight is also a good practice to avoid pinched nerves.

Treatment of pinched nerves

Pinched nerve specialists do the treatment of nerve pinching. They examine and carefully assess the area under effect and rule out whether the pain is due to some other chronic problem or not. For initial pinched nerves, the doctors recommend several home treatments alongside some pain medications.

Heat and ice therapy and light massages are some of these home treatments recommended by doctors. An invasive method called the epidural nerve block is used for severe cases. In this method, a steroid is injected in between the vertebrates of the spines, which calms down the nerve roots and reduces pain.


A pinched nerve is a problem common to everyone in today’s world. Simple preventive health measures, such as maintaining a good body posture and practicing exercise or stretching as a part of the daily routine, can help people eradicate this problem for a long time in their lives. So, the conclusion to this article provides that diseases such as pinched nerves root from irregular body posture and lack of physical exercise in everyday life.