Immune system health is very important. Those with a healthy immune system are better able to prevent and fight off illnesses that can range from a cold to cancer.

Today, medical professionals are turning to natural medicines to boost health. Echinacea is an herb that is being used for the benefits it offers including its ability to strengthen the immune system. Let’s take a closer look at this flowering plant and how it can keep you from getting sick.

What is Echinacea?

 Echinacea can be found growing in the prairies and open fields of North America. There are nine species of the plant, but only three are used as dietary supplements; echinacea pallida, echinacea angustifolia, and echinacea purpurea.

The roots and upper parts of the plant are used in tablets, tinctures, teas, and extracts. It contains a variety of compounds including caffeic acid, phenolic acid, rosmarinic acid, poly acetates, and more.

Echinacea and Immune Health

Echinacea’s high levels of antioxidants make it beneficial in supporting immune health. Antioxidants found in the plant include flavonoids, cichoric acid, and rosmarinic acid. These are effective in protecting cells from oxidative stress that causes disease.

Echinacea also contains alkamides, compounds that renew worn out antioxidants and help them reach molecules that are prone to oxidative stress.

Numerous studies show that echinacea is so powerful in boosting the immune system, it may even be the illusive cure to the common cold. A review of 14 studies found that taking echinacea may lower the risk of developing a cold by over 50% and may shorten the duration of the cold by a day and a half.

However, more studies are needed to determine if this is true.

Echinacea may also fight infections and viruses so you recover from illnesses faster.

Other Benefits of Echinacea

In addition to helping fight illness, here are some other benefits echinacea may offer:

  • May lower blood sugar levels: One test tube study showed that echinacea purpurea was effective in reducing the amount of sugar that enters blood when you digest carbohydrates.
  • May reduce feelings of stress and anxiety: Compounds in echinacea such as alkamides, rosmarinic acid, and caffeic acid have been shown to lower anxiety levels.
  • Has anti-inflammatory properties: Animal studies have shown that echinacea can reduce inflammatory markers and inflammation related memory loss.
  • May treat common skin conditions such as wrinkles and acne.

Taking Echinacea

Because echinacea is said to be effective in fighting the common cold, it may be beneficial to children who are prone to these viral infections. Oregon’s Wild Harvest manufactures a Kids Echinacea Extract that’s worth looking into.

Oregon’s Wild Harvest is a company that grows its own herbs to make the healthiest supplements possible. Its Kids Echinacea is alcohol free and flavored with an organic raspberry and citrus extract your child will love. It is rich in antioxidants which are ideal for supporting kid’s immune systems.

This year, immune health is more critical than ever. Do all you can to protect your system by adding echinacea to your family’s daily routine. Here’s to many years of sickness free living.