Your roof is a crucial component of your home’s overall water diversion system. Whenever your roof experiences damage, it leaves your whole home susceptible to the elements. By taking the time to look over your roof regularly, you can help to identify problems and get them repaired to extend the overall life of your roof.


Missing or Damaged Shingles


One of the most obvious signs that your roof is in need of repair by a professional roofer is that you have damaged or missing shingles. This tends to be more prominent after a nasty thunderstorm with heavy wind gusts. Any place where your shingles are missing can allow unwanted water to enter your home. This could lead to deterioration of your underlayment materials and, ultimately, the structure of your home. Any sort of damaged shingles should undergo repair sooner rather than later to prevent further damage.


Water Stains


One of the most unsettling signs that you have a leak in your roof is water stains developing on your ceiling. These stains will take on a reddish to brownish hue, distorting your ceiling’s overall color. The fact that these stains are showing up is an indication that your roof has been leaking for quite a while. You want to contact a roofing professional to locate the source of the leak and remedy it before any more damage occurs.


Granules in Gutters


Granules are a protective coating that gets put on top of asphalt shingles to help keep all the other shingle layers compressed. As your shingles start to reach the end of their lifespan, these granules will start to loosen up. When rainstorms happen, granules will break loose from your shingles and end up down in your gutters. If you notice a large amount of granules in your gutter, it’s time to get your roof inspected to see if a replacement is necessary.


Sagging Roof Deck


If your roof looks like it’s starting to sag inward, it’s a real cause for concern. There are a few different reasons that sagging could occur. There may be excessive weight on your roof because the last roof replacement simply involved putting new shingles over existing ones. In other cases, it could be due to water damage or structural issues with your roof support system. It’s best to call in a roofer to get a professional evaluation of the situation so you can address it appropriately to solve the problem.


Algae Growth


When you start to see bunches of algae growth on your roof, it may not seem like a big deal to start with. While it isn’t aesthetically pleasing, this growth may be one of those things that you simply ignore until you get a chance to clean your roof. Unfortunately, when left unattended, algae can drastically reduce the overall lifespan of your shingles. It’s best to have a professional come in and remove the algae and adhere a protective solution to ensure the overall longevity of your shingles.

Your roof is not one of those things that you simply want to let problems go until you get around to them. If you’re experiencing any of the issues that we went over above, it’s important that you contact a quality roofing professional for assistance sooner rather than later.