If you’ve been struggling to build muscle to the level you desire, then you’re doing something wrong. Building muscle is not easy, but it’s pretty straightforward — lift weights, allow room for recovery and eat right.

These three simple rules may also prevent you from reaching your goal. But it so happens that there are misconceptions about building muscles.

So, here are eight myths that you need to stop believing in if you want to grow big.

Using Steroids is Scary

The numerous doping scandals around anabolic steroids, anatomical shrinkage, and the rage associated with it are more than enough to scare anyone away from these substances. These issues concerning steroid use were all published in various cases; you are afraid it is understandable.

But get this — When you use the right steroids for the right reasons, and under proper medical supervision, you’ll not have anything to worry about. The use of steroids has gotten a bad rap because most people tend to abuse them.

If you’re new to steroids, starting with anavar test cycle is a great option. The side effects are very minimal compared to other brands.

You Should Train One Muscle Group Once A Week 

A large portion of gym enthusiasts only train one muscle group per week. A good example is someone who trains back on Monday, leg on Tuesday, chest on Wednesday, arms on Thursday, and shoulders on Friday.


This is wrong, especially if you are aiming to build muscle. You’ll be there for a long time with minimal changes happening to your body. You should train muscle groups at least twice every week.

You need to manage your training volume. This refers to the total number of exercises, reps, sets, and weights you lift. If you are training a single muscle group weekly, you should start by splitting it down into two different workouts, then doing them at least a day or two apart.

You shouldn’t repeat the exact workout later on during the week. This is overloading your muscles with double the amount of training volume.

You Should Train Daily

If you are training every day, you are not paying attention to an important factor in your muscle growth journey — recovery.

If you read any ‘how often should you workout’ article, you discover that training every day of the week is wrong, and it is essential to allow your body recovery time. You should instead increase your training capacity and training frequencies.

You should train at least three times every week if you are hoping for great results. If you can train for four days, well and good too.


It’s important to remember that you grow outside the gym and not inside it.


Eat Right After You Lift

Scheduling your meals is vital so you can get in the necessary level of calories for the day. Still, there isn’t any scientific data that proves eating immediately after lifting increases muscle mass.

If you happen to feel hungry or an increase in appetite after working out, then do it. But forcing yourself to eat after exercising is not a route you want to follow.

Being Sore After Every Workout is Normal

Being sore after working out is not unusual. Some take it as a sign of progress, and to some extent, it is. Microtears on your muscles area workout session are what causes the soreness you feel afterward. 

After some time, these tears will result in an increase in your muscle mass as your body repairs itself. Being sore after every workout is not always the case. Your body will need time to recover and heal or may injure yourself.

Pain Is Weakness Leaving Your Body

This is a common saying among gym enthusiasts who are building muscle. It works well as a motivator, but the statement itself is far from the truth. Pain is a distress signal and a sign that something may be wrong. 

You should not ignore any type of pain you feel. If your muscle and joint pain linger longer than a few days, both may be causes for concern. 

Instead of ignoring pain or seeing it as a sign of weakness, you should listen to your body. If you need a break, don’t hesitate to take one. 

Cardio Isn’t Important for Muscle Growth.

When you are bulking up, focusing on weightlifting alone is great, but doing a blend of that and cardio will increase your endurance and overall strength.


Whoever said that cardio isn’t important for muscle growth lies. Cardio is just as vital to muscle growth as any other exercise. Cardio exercises improve your circulation, and they will boost your recovery time and stamina in between workout sessions.

Everything About a Dieting

Everywhere you turn, you’ll find a new diet promising you great improvements in muscle growth if you adapt it. In most cases, the people making these dietary products and marketing them are preying on your insecurities, with your well-being being at the bottom of their list.


Final Thoughts

These are some of the myths that gym buffs pass around, but there isn’t any truth in them. With that said, don’t forget to take sufficient rest after working out. If you spend all your time in the gym, your body will never get the chance to fully recover.