No one said that life was going to be easy. Part of life is navigating through stressful waters once in a while. Rather than avoiding stress altogether, which isn’t realistic, we’re better off learning how to handle it. 

And while there’s no magical one-size-fits-all cure for stress, there are ways to manage it effectively. And while there may be certain medications out there that can promise to lower your stress levels, studies show that these are not long-term solutions. If you’re looking to reduce your stress levels the natural way, here are some simple and effective strategies without having to rely on medication.

Play Music

Whether you play the piano, or you sing out loud, music can be a great way to escape from a stressful situation. If you’re not much of a musician or a singer, then feel free to put music on. Listening to music that transports you to a calm state of mind can be extremely effective and help you regain your overall balance and calm.

Since everyone’s tastes are different, certain music may have a calming effect on you that won’t be the same for others. Find music that works for you, and keep it on hand for stressful moments.

Practice Mindful Breathing

Breathing is a great place to start if you’re looking to calm down. Deep and mindful breathing is extremely effective for calming down your nervous system and reducing your stress. When you practice deep breathing it increases your oxygen flow and automatically lowers your heart rate. 

When you’re stressed your body is in fight or flight mode, so when you start deep breathing, it helps your body shift out of this state of mind. Sit or lie down in one place, inhale deeply through your nose, and exhale slowly. Do this as many times as you can within 5 minutes., and you’ll find that you feel significantly better at the end of your breathing session.

Spend Time In Nature

Nature has an incredibly grounding effect on people that can significantly reduce stress and improve your overall mood. Even something as simple as sitting down in the grass can reconnect you with Mother Earth, and work wonders on your cortisol levels. Next time you’re feeling stressed, put your phone down and get in touch with nature

Whether you go in the woods, or simply walk in a nearby park, the idea is to spend time in a natural place and to take a break from overstimulation.


When you get your heart rate up, you release endorphins which is a natural mood elevator. Your muscles will ease up, and you’ll feel mentally boosted. The best part is that working out can be downright fun. Perhaps you can take a dance class, or even go for a swim. The idea is to get your body moving in a way that you enjoy that brings positivity to your life.

Eat Well

Believe it or not, you quite literally are what you eat. The more you eat unhealthy foods full of preservatives and harsh chemicals, the more it will affect your mood. However, if you can manage to eat plenty of natural ingredients with lean proteins and whole grains, the less you’ll experience sugar crashes and irritability.